Interstate 376 Interstate Business Loop 376
Beaver Valley Expressway

Conceived in the 1963 Pittsburgh transportation plan, this expressway was built to connect the downtown area to the suburban areas to the west and northwest of the city.  Construction began in 1965 from the West Middlesex interchange to the PA 18 interchange.  The following year construction commenced on the Vanport Bridge over the Ohio River which opened in 1967.

Looking northward at the PA 68 interchange where traffic was forced to
exit until 1972 when the expressway was completed to the Brighton

In 1968, the first section opened to traffic from the West Middlesex interchange to the PA 18 interchange and received the PA 18 designation, as it created a bypass around West Middlesex.  That same year, construction began on the section from PA 151 to PA 18.  In 1969, construction began on the section from PA 68 to the Brighton interchange while construction was extended from Flaugherty Run Road to PA 151.

The 1970s began with construction starting in Lawrence County on the section from the current Toll Interstate 376 interchange to Mitchell Road in 1970.  In 1971, the second section of the expressway opened to traffic from Flaugherty Run Road interchange to PA 18.  Also taking place in 1971 was construction extended from the Brighton interchange to the Brady's Run Road overpass, and the following year it was extended to the Braun Road overpass just south of PA 51.  Also in 1972, the section from PA 68 to the Brighton interchange opened to traffic.  In 1973, the section from the current interchange of Toll Interstate 376 to US 224 opened to traffic, while construction began on the section from that interchange to north of the town of Pulaski.  Construction was extended from the Braun Road overpass in 1974 and in 1975, construction was extended from north of Pulaski to the West Middlesex interchange.  In 1976, the section from the Aliquippa interchange to PA 51 was completely open to traffic and created what would be the end of then PA 60 for almost two decades at PA 51.  In that same year, the section from US 224 to Mitchell Road opened as well.  The following year the expressway would from Mitchell Road to PA 18 and signal the completion of the Beaver Valley Expressway minus the section between PA 51 and US 422.  The PA 18 designation was eventually moved back to the original route through West Middlesex in 1978.

Aerial picture of the "folded" cloverleaf at Interstate 80
Aerial picture of the "folded" cloverleaf at Interstate 80.  (PennDOT)

The "missing-link" of the Beaver Valley Expressway would become a hot topic during the 1980s.  In August of 1981, State Representative George F. Pott of Gibsonia sponsored a bill that would provide $540 million dollars to build not only this expressway, but also  an expressway from Warrendale to Interstate 70 at Charleroi that would be the equivalent of an Interstate 279 and Mon-Fayette Expressway combination.  His bill did not pass in the legislature, and so the project sat on the shelf.  Even if it would be built, no one knew who would do the job:  PennDOT or the PTC.  It would not be until the passage of Act 61 in September 1985 that action would be taken to see the completion of then PA 60.  The new $807 bond helped to get several projects started or re-started as was the case with the Beaver Valley Expressway.

On June 14, 1990, ground was broken to complete the "missing-link" and would become the first major Pennsylvania Turnpike expansion since the construction of the Northeast Extension in 1958 and the first in Western Pennsylvania since the Western Extension.  Then Governor Robert P. Casey, state legislators, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commissioners attended the ceremony.

The first section to open, from US 422 to PA 108 which included the Mahoning River Bridge, opened on November 8, 1991.  The 1,700-foot-long span surpasses the Beaver River Bridge on the Turnpike's main line as is the longest in the system.

The rest of the highway opened on November 20, 1992 with the total cost coming to $243 million.  Due to aircraft trouble, Governor Casey could not make the ceremony, but addressed the crowd via a cellular phone.  Senator James E. Ross, for whom the highway is named, spoke of the optimism that he had for the economic development that would be attracted.  He then proceeded to cut the ribbon to open the expressway.

Business PA 60Another new section of PA 60 opened to traffic in September of that same year:  the Southern Expressway.  With the opening came a change in designation for the section of the expressway from the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport to the interchange with the Southern Expressway.  The former route of PA 60 received the Business PA 60 designation.




Pennsylvania is renown for our construction zones, but on October 11, 2001, one became a scene of horror.  A box truck driven by William James McClelland, of North Strabane Township, Washington County, went out of control in a work zone near the PA 68 interchange and killed five workers.  The Heavy Construction Carpenters Union, which four of the victims were members of, began a fund for the workers' families.  Dick Corporation, who employed the workers, continued to pay their salaries.  The Western Pennsylvania District Council of Carpenters collected more than $42,000 for the eight children of the workers, with the Eastern Regional Carpenters Council pledging $10,000.  Not as much as those pledges, but James Lucot, Jr. of Cranberry promised $100.  He was the first paramedic to arrive at the accident scene.

Plans are still being discussed on building several interchanges near the Pittsburgh International Airport property.  First is the completion of the Flaugherty Run Road interchange.  There are several missing connections and some proposed ramps have even gotten as far as preliminary grading.  The second is construction of an interchange to serve the cargo terminals at the northern end of the airport property which started in 2001.  Construction on the $42 million interchange was completed in 2003.

On November 20, 2003, when most were concerned about rising waters, it was barges that were the concern of drivers on the Beaver Valley Expressway.  The rain that caused flooding down the Ohio River and caused the Parkway East and 10th Street Bypass to be closed, caused 20 barges to break away.  The Vanport Bridge, along with three others nearby were closed.  Inspection crews found no serious damage on any.

In 1998, the section from the Southern Expressway to the Thorn Run Road Interchange was repaved and improved.

On October 17, 2005, US Senator Rick Santorum and US Representative Melissa Hart made an announcement at Pittsburgh International Airport that has been years in coming.  The Interstate 376 designation would be extended and signed on this expressway, replacing the PA 60 designation which was truncated at the US 22/US 30 interchange.  Improvements to the associated expressways and the designation change were included in the "Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users" highway reauthorization bill passed two months earlier.  Cost for the extension was estimated at $80 million to bring the expressways to Interstate Standards, but doesn't have to be completed for 25 years and was certainly not by the target date of New Year's Day 2009.

Trucks striking overpasses is nothing new in Pennsylvania, and the PA 318 overpass on the Beaver Valley Expressway would not remain unscathed.  Shortly before 10:51 AM, when Mercer County 911 received word of the accident, a roll-off truck struck the overpass while traveling eastbound.  While the truck was not carrying a container at the time, the truck's hydraulic bed was raised and it hit the bridge as the truck passed underneath.  The raised bed ripped through two support beams and damaged a third, then penetrated a couple of feet through the road surface, leaving only two of the five support beams unaffected.  The bed eventually separated from the truck, and the driver ended up being severely injured.  He was taken to Saint Elizabeth Hospital in Youngstown, Ohio.  The bridge was closed and eastbound traffic was detoured through the off- and on-ramps at the interchange rather than continuing underneath the damaged bridge.  PennDOT inspection crews determined that the damaged section would need to be removed rather than repaired.  Work to do so began the following morning and was completed the same day.

"We are moving at light speed as far as PennDOT is concerned,"’ said PennDOT project engineer Mark Nicholson.  Unlike the previous span, the overpass will be two and one-half feet higher and be comprised of steel rather than concrete.  "Using steel rather than concrete will make it easier to raise the bridge," said Richard Schoeder, an engineer with Michael Baker International.  While no bonuses will be given for early completion, daily penalties in the range of thousands of dollars will be assessed against the contract for each day it is late in opening.  PennDOT is seeking to recoup costs of the replacement from the trucking company.

Removal of the span over the westbound lanes happened on April 21, 2024.  Placement of the beams for the new overpass took place overnight from Friday, June 14 into Saturday, June 15, which also required the closure of the Beaver Valley Expressway.  The expressway reopened Saturday morning, 40 hours earlier than expected.

Aside from the bridge replacement, the project will also include reconstruction of a portion of three of the interchange ramps, drainage upgrades, guiderail replacement, roadside signage, and pavement markings. Minor shoulder improvements and roadway repairs to the Beaver Valley Expressway under the new bridge will also be completed.  The former bridge, built in 1966, had a clearance of 14 feet-2 inches, while the new bridge will meet the current standard of 16 feet-6 inches.  To raise PA 318's profile in order to meet the new vertical clearance, the exit ramps were closed on June 20.  The westbound lane of the bridge opened on August 26, 2024, but the eastbound on and off-ramps and westbound off-ramp at the interchange reopened four days earlier.  On September 20, the eastbound lane of the bridge and westbound on-ramp reopened.  The official end to the project was marked on October 4 with a ceremony attended by local officials and industry partners.  "Roads like Route 318 to the vital economic stability and quality of life of the communities they serve, such as West Middlesex," said PennDOT Secretary Mike Carroll.  "When an emergency forces the closure of a bridge on these community lifelines, it is a priority for PennDOT and Governor Shapiro to get them replaced, repaired, and reopened as quickly as possible. Here in Mercer County, our team was able to accomplish that in less than a year."


Travelers on the expressway on December 22, 2024 saw a fellow traveler using a vehicle not used for highway travel.  Jesse Langenhahan, a veteran pilot for 22 years, was performing some aerobatics in his single-engine Fergus SC-1 when he began noticing it not running as usual.  "Between one of my sequences, I was just climbing back up to altitude and straight and level. And as I got within about 500 feet of my altitude, I felt like a little bit of power loss," Langenhahn said.  He wasn't worried, but moments later, he lost power again.  "Was still turning, still had fuel pressure and oil pressure," Langenhahn said.  He still had fuel, but he knew the plane wouldn't make it over the trees to the Beaver County Airport.

Langenhahan looked for an opening in traffic to perform an emergency landing.  "My focus was trying to land with traffic and hope that the people in front didn't hit their breaks and the people behind me would stop and give me a little bit of a gap," Langenhahn said.  Around 12:45 PM, he landed in the eastbound lanes just south of the interchange with the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and then onto the shoulder as travelers and first responders showed up.  "I'm happy the way it turned out. I was OK, plane's fine, minus whatever caused the power loss. But we're all in one piece so that's good," Langenhahn said.  Later that day, he towing service provider for that section of the Turnpike System loaded the plane onto a flat bed, but due to its over 17-foot-wide wingspan, Turnpike officials and Pennsylvania State Police troopers escorted the truck back to the Beaver County Airport.

PA 60
Beaver Valley Expressway

There were plans devised in the 1963 Pittsburgh Transportation plan to create a seamless expressway from downtown Pittsburgh to the airport and onto New Castle.  To do this, the Pennsylvania Department of Highways planned to connect the Beaver Valley Expressway to the Airport Parkway in the vicinity of the former Greater Pittsburgh International Airport Terminal.  The plan was killed in the 1970s, but the remnants of what was to be were still around until the early 2000s.

Click on map for a more detailed plan.

Abandoned southern end near the old airport
Southern end of the expressway near the airport maintenance
areas, with plans to expand further south.  With the construction of
the International Drive interchange, this ghost ramp has been
removed.  (Adam Prince)

Beaver Valley Expressway Pictures
Exit Guide (Interstate 376)
Exit Guide (Interstate Business Loop 376)
Exit Guide (PA Turnpike 376)
Interstate 376
Interstate Business Loop 376
Future Interstate 376 Corridor Map
PA Turnpike 376
The Story Behind the Ghost Ramps Around Pittsburgh International Airport - Adam Prince

Western Terminus: PA 18 in West Middlesex
Eastern Terminus: Hanger Road in Moon
Length: 54 miles
National Highway System: Entire length
Names: Beaver Valley Expressway
James E. Ross Highway:  US 422 to PA 51
99th Infantry Division Memorial Highway:  Southern Expressway to Hanger Road
SR Designations: 0760:  PA 18 to I-80
0376:  I-80 to US 422 and PA 51 to Southern Expressway
7376:  US 422 to PA 51
3160:  Southern Expressway to Hanger Road
Counties: Mercer, Lawrence, Beaver, and Allegheny
Multiplexed Route: PA 760:  PA 18 to I-80
Interstate 376:  I-80 to US 422 and PA 51 to Southern Expressway
US 422:  Interstate 376 to Toll Interstate 376
Toll Interstate 376:  US 422 to PA 51
Former Designation: PA 18 (1968 - 1978):  PA 18 to Exit 2
Former LR Designation: 1023:  PA 760 to US 422 and PA 51 to University Boulevard
Emergency: 911

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Page updated December 24, 2024.
Content and graphics, unless otherwise noted, copyright © Jeffrey J. Kitsko. All rights reserved.
Information sign courtesy of Richard C. Moeur.
Information courtesy of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, WTAE-TV Pittsburgh,
KDKA-TV Pittsburgh, North Hills Standard Observer, and the Pittsburgh International Airport:  A Commemorative Book by Executive Report.